Boundary: The Books of Eva

Heather Terrell

ISBN: 9781616951993

Published: December, 2014


Paperback $10.99

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Heather Terrell

Pittsburgh, PA

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Eva is the first Maiden in Aerie history to train as Archon, the sacred leader of New North. All eyes are watching. Although she is betrothed to Jasper, she still finds herself drawn to Lukas, a Boundary dweller and former servant who may know who killed her twin brother.

Eva’s relationship with Lukas is forbidden. And his conviction...

Eva is the first Maiden in Aerie history to train as Archon, the sacred leader of New North. All eyes are watching. Although she is betrothed to Jasper, she still finds herself drawn to Lukas, a Boundary dweller and former servant who may know who killed her twin brother.

Eva’s relationship with Lukas is forbidden. And his conviction that she is the Angakkuq, a mystical figure destined to destroy the Aerie, is even more dangerous. On her very first Archon expedition, she uncovers the Genesis, the legendary ship that brought the Founders to the New North. Its contents shatter the world Eva has known. Now she may be the only one — as both Archon and Angakkuq — who can prevent a war that will destroy what is left of human civilization.

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“Terrell has created a unique dystopian novel set in the future, but where the people of the New North live by almost medieval rules and standards. Eva, ever the rule-following young maiden, is struggling with learning the truth about the past and how it fits into her and her people’s future.”
–VOYA on Boundary