Tales from the Heart

Maryse Condé

ISBN: 9781569473474

Published: January, 2004


Paperback $16.00

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Maryse Condé

New York City

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Winner of the 2018 New Academy Prize in Literature

In this collection of autobiographical essays, Maryse Condé vividly evokes the relationships and events that gave her childhood meaning: discovering her parents’ feelings of alienation; her first crush; a falling out with her b...

Winner of the 2018 New Academy Prize in Literature

In this collection of autobiographical essays, Maryse Condé vividly evokes the relationships and events that gave her childhood meaning: discovering her parents’ feelings of alienation; her first crush; a falling out with her best friend; the death of her beloved grandmother; her first encounter with racism.

These gemlike vignettes capture the spirit of Condé’s fiction: haunting, powerful, poignant, and leavened with a streak of humor.

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“Honest, exquisitely measured... inspiring in its reminder of the human spirit’s capacity to endure.”
—The New York Times Book Review
“[An] astute study of family and place.”
—Washington Post Book World