Visions and Revisions

Dale Peck

ISBN: 9781616954413

Published: April, 2015


Paperback $16.00

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Dale Peck

New York City

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Reminiscent of Joan Didion’s The White Album or Kurt Vonnegut’s Palm Sunday, Visions and Revisions is a collage-style portrait of a tumultuous era. Peck’s kaleidoscopic narrative puts the reader on the streets of NYC during the AIDS crisis and also touches on such diverse subjects as the serial murders of ...

Reminiscent of Joan Didion’s The White Album or Kurt Vonnegut’s Palm Sunday, Visions and Revisions is a collage-style portrait of a tumultuous era. Peck’s kaleidoscopic narrative puts the reader on the streets of NYC during the AIDS crisis and also touches on such diverse subjects as the serial murders of gay men, Peck’s first loves upon coming out, and the transformation of LGBT people from marginal, idealistic fighters to their present place in a world of widespread, if fraught, mainstream acceptance.

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“Peck has galvanized his reputation as one of the most eloquent voices of his generation.”
—The New York Times
“Peck is not only one of the leading literary voices of his generation, but also one of the few avant-garde writers of any age who is changing the rules for prose fiction. His novels simultaneously define and defy the genre.”
—Los Angeles Times
“Few writers have Dale Peck's nerve. He writes without secrets, packing his novels with the intimacies of his life, his family, his sexuality. ”
—The Nation
“[Dale Peck] gives me what I look for most when I open a new book: a world that is our world and also full of things I didn't know, characters in scenes that are at once recognizable and indelible. ”
—Chicago Tribune