Soho International Crime Club

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Books by month:

January 2025: Against the Grain by Peter Lovesey

February 2025: Saint of the Narrows Street by William Boyle

March 2025: Broken Fields by Marcie R. Rendon

April 2025: The Museum Detective by Maha Khan Phillips

May 2025: Big Bad Wool by Leonie Swann, translated by Amy Bojang (Subscriber Bonus: Three Bags Full)

June 2025: Summerhouse by Yigit Karaahmet, translated by Nicholas Glastonbury

July 2025: History Lessons by Zoe B. Wallbrook

August 2025: Murder in Pitigliano by Camilla Trinchieri (Subscriber 
Bonus: Keystone by Peter Lovesey)

September 2025: Mississippi Blue 42 by Eli Cranor

October 2025: Her One Regret by Donna Freitas

November 2025: The Red Scare Murders by Con Lehane (Subscriber 
Bonus: Eight Very Bad Nights by Various Authors)

December 2025:  Huguette by Cara Black

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“Downing is a master at recreating historical and political detail. People, places, clothing, and manners are so accurately depicted the reader comes to feel as if they were living in the early 1920s.”
—Deadly Pleasures
“These days Scandinavian crime writers are thick on the ground. It's nice to see that the women can be just as bloodthirsty as the men.”
—The New York Times Book Review