“It takes a writer as good as Magdalen Nabb to remind us how subtle the art of the mystery can be.”
New York Times

 The Marshal Guarnaccia Detective Series

Setting: Florence, Italy

Number of Crimes (Titles in Series): 13

Last Seen (Most recent title): The Monster of Florence

Series description: Marshal Guarnaccia is a carabinieri stationed in Florence, Italy. A dogged detective with a moral conviction to pursue justice, the marshal keeps asking questions long after his colleagues have given up.

Series includes: Death of an Englishman, Death of a Dutchman, Death in Springtime, Death in Autumn, The Marshal and the Madwoman, The Marshal’s Own Case, The Marshal Makes His Report, The  Marshal at the Villa Torrini, Property of Blood, Some Bitter Taste, The Innocent, Vita Nuova, The Monster of Florence

Magdalen Nabb (1949-2007) was born in Lancashire and trained as a potter. In 1975, she left her old life behind and moved with her son to Florence, where she knew no one and spoke no Italian, but where she fell in love with the local setting. Her Marshal Guarnaccia series was inspired by a real local marshal she befriended in a tiny pottery town.


9781616952990  9781569478189  9781569474150

9781569472965  9781569478349  9781569478332

9781569475317  9781569475324  9781569478240

9781569473108  9781569473399  9781569477847

