
Janwillem van de Wetering

ISBN: 9781569470923

Published: July 2003


Paperback $13.00

Janwillem van de Wetering


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Suspecting a missing woman's husband of murder, two Amsterdam detectives try to locate the missing body of Mrs. Fortune, while at the same time trying to find the killer of an unidentified male stuffed in the trunk of a stolen Mercedes....

Suspecting a missing woman’s husband of murder, two Amsterdam detectives try to locate the missing body of Mrs. Fortune, while at the same time trying to find the killer of an unidentified male stuffed in the trunk of a stolen Mercedes.

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“What makes this series so engaging is that the policemen are as quirky and complicated as the criminals.
—The Washington Post
“One of the masters of the literary form.”
—The Los Angeles Times
“His most satisfying book so far!”
—Chicago Tribune
“Van de Wetering keeps you guessing and guessing.”
—Entertainment Weekly