Shaman Pass

Stan Jones

ISBN: 9781569473320

Published: July, 2003


Hardcover $22.00

Paperback $15.00

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Stan Jones

Anchorage, AK

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State Trooper Nathan Active was born in the Inupiat village of Chukchi, where he is now stationed, but he was adopted and raised in Anchorage. Now he must investigate the murder of a tribal leader who was stabbed to death with an antique harpoon that was recently returned to the community under the Indian Graves Act....

State Trooper Nathan Active was born in the Inupiat village of Chukchi, where he is now stationed, but he was adopted and raised in Anchorage. Now he must investigate the murder of a tribal leader who was stabbed to death with an antique harpoon that was recently returned to the community under the Indian Graves Act.

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“Active maintains his awe of the vast Alaskan tundra, a forbidding region that Jones renders in all its bone-chilling beauty.
—Marilyn Stasio, The New York Times Book Review
“[Jones’s] depiction of a freezing world of tar-paper houses and whaling camps is absolutely convincing.
—Houston Chronicle
“Trooper Active proves such an interesting and likable guide that the selfish reader can't but hope Nathan won't get that Anchorage transfer for at least a few more books.
—Wall Street Journal
“Robust ... Active maintains his awe of the vast Alaskan tundra, a forbidding region that Jones renders in all its bone-chilling beauty.
—The New York Times Book Review